Will O'Brien +44 7824 409132
Chris James +44 7803 230981
Day Five Consulting's business is based in Buckinghamshire, 35 minutes from central London, and 20 minutes from Heathrow
People Management Training
People Managers and business leaders are vital in the Tech sector as the industry is fast paced and constantly changing. Our staff need to be adaptable, tenacious, and open to change at short notice. Day Five Management training is suitable for all managers from Sales, Marketing, Consulting, Development, Support, Finance and HR functions. It takes years of management best practise and arranges the content logically into three programme, (two days each). The courses can be configured and include inter-module assignment which spans the programme. The approach is to provide simple concepts that help you lead from the front and develop the talent in your teams so they drive forward in the market.
M501 Manager Foundation
Understanding your role as a manager and a people leader. Looking at learning styles, understanding team differences and how to develop balanced high performing teams. Team evolution and development. Picking the right management style for a given situation.
M502 Harnessing talent and managing performance
Motivation and maintaining morale. Management systems and governance. Team size and team structures. How you can hire right first time, interview and develop talent using a competency based approach. Conducting positive appraisals and giving feedback. Setting SMART objectives. Performance management and intervention. HR law and working with the HR team and line of business.
M503 Strategic planning and managing change
How you can plan strategically using best practise concepts and example case studies. This module reviews several published strategy approaches for Tech Industries from Geoffrey Moore, Tom Peters, Jim Collins, Bill Lee, McKinsey, Chan Kim, and Renee Mauborgne looking at how strategy has evolved in the new Digital economy. The course aims to look at the theory and examine how these can be applied in your business. It allows you to create checkpoints and milestones to ensure you execute and drive towards divisional / group goals. The intent is to set realistic strategies that can be executed as opposed to trying to "trying to solve world famine". The course also looks at how you communicate change and getting people onboard and bought in.
M504 Coaching and unlocking potential
Coaching fundamental course and giving teams the "space" and ability to flourish and innovate. The "Wheel of life" is reviewed as are the techniques for effective coaching from a range of coaches. The course also looks a NLP, "mindfulness", and related concepts to improve how you interact with your staff, co workers, and customers.
M505 Communication - Within a business and in the outside world
How you are seen within a business and how to work collaboratively with supporting units to achieve your goals. How to recognise blind spots and the consequence of ignoring these in how you work internally. How you communicate internally and externally with key stakeholders and maximise productivity. Press relations and media training are also covered so you don't do a "Gerald Ratner" when talking publicly.
Will O'Brien +44 7824 409132
Chris James +44 7803 230981
Day Five Consulting's business is based in Buckinghamshire, 35 minutes from central London, and 20 minutes from Heathrow