Will O'Brien +44 7824 409132
Chris James +44 7803 230981
Day Five Consulting's business is based in Buckinghamshire, 35 minutes from central London, and 20 minutes from Heathrow
Account Manager Training
Account Managers and Sales execs are the tip of the spear in driving growth in the tech market. The career is demanding, rewarding, and fast paced and no day is ever the same. Success is in this role is all about adapting, learning, and reacting to the market. Day Five Sales training takes established best practise and simplifies the concepts so they can be used immediately. The five courses can be can be configured to suit your needs and assignments vary from 1-5 days.
500 - Social Selling
It's just selling right ??
Together we explore the why, the how the where and the when of selling socially. From building your profile to connecting with your prospects and contacts to posting and building up a community of followers. This course gives you insight as to the importance of connecting with your buyer at the right time. 67% of the B2B buyer journey is completed before the sales person is even engaged. So how do you connect with a self educating buyer who has a myriad of choices in front of them in a timely manner with a point of view that is relevant to their business needs. Course 500 shows you how to connect and be relevant to the 21st century buying community.

501 - Being your best
The attributes of great sales professionals. How you come across and represent yourself and your company. How to research a client and understand their organisation and gain insight into their world. How you create a great first impression and what you need to know about them. How you assess and deal with the diverse groups of people you meet. How you continue to build a relationship and set the way forward. How you plan your time, improve sales productivity, and how to free up selling time. How to prospect and develop pipeline and opportunity.

502 - Stop playing the game of chance
The evolution of the IT cloud market in the last 5 years and being competent and effective as a sales professional in the new world. Applying traditional qualification models (BANT, MEDDIC, SPIN,) and making these work in the new market paradigm. Basic and advanced qualification and understanding how decisions get made. How you find and qualify business and interpret the information the customer is providing. Assisting the customer in gaining capital approval using tools like the Shark Finesse business builder. Securing internal bid support and pre sales resource to enable you to engage the client. How to present your opportunity internally and assess whether it will close in a given quarter and really understand the decision process. How to manage risk and qualify in or out. Qualification is a fundamental skill dictating how you convert from pipeline to contract and how you ultimately perform.

503 - Punching above your weight
Losing business is often blamed on product, your own company weakness, or superior competition. In over 30 years I have learned that Winning and Losing frequently comes down the individual account manager and team on point. This module will teach you how to be accountable for managing competitive situations and making sure you pick the strategy that will help you to stand out and win. It will also help you to alter the process, or advocate a different approach, if the evaluation process is poorly designed and professionally challenge the customer. Case studies are used to illustrate the importance of political understanding and how decisions get made. This module is built around a typical complex sale example with international and political complexity.

504 - Presenting to the point
In high value IT solution evaluations the customers senior management are often not engaged until later in the evaluation cycle. This is the world we live in. Vendor executive presentations are often the first time you get the opportunity to put your case across to a senior team. In many cases the message gets missed and the audience switches and all the "build up" effort is wasted. This module is all about effective preparation and effective message delivery when time is constrained. It takes some of the new "agency" story telling pitching concepts and explains how other Tech firms are wowing customers and prospects.

505 - "So you want something from me"
Most buyers and vendors have been trained to negotiate and there are mulitiple techniques that cover this complex process. This module is all about preparing a win win negotiation so that business is concluded within a timetable that matches both parties expectations. It also looks at how a customers business can be developed after the first sale has been made and how to renegotiate poor commercial arrangements.

506 - Digital transformation - the fundamental guide for B2B sellers
Industry and businesses are going through a profound set of changes driven by technology. How companies employ Digital technologies to deliver Business Transformation is now a game changer for many organisations. Today C level executives and the CIO's that are tasked with delivery Digital transformation are under acute pressure with investment being driven by 5 key priorities:
Will this investment provide greater visibility of my business priorities and will it simplify how we operate?
Will this investment automate existing processes and allow me to consolidate and simplify the IT estate?
Will this investment really enable us to transform how we operate as a business?
Day Five Course 506 takes B2B sellers on a journey to understand how companies think about Digital transformation projects and how these get done. By sitting in the customers shoes B2B sellers will be challenged to think about their own solutions, service and offerings help the customer. This course has been designed and developed in partnership with Andy Lapham, Founder of InnovImpact, a boutique consulting firm specialising in innovation and business change.

Will O'Brien +44 7824 409132
Chris James +44 7803 230981
Day Five Consulting's business is based in Buckinghamshire, 35 minutes from central London, and 20 minutes from Heathrow